When I see a slippery slope, my instinct is to build a terrace.
-John McCarthy
When I see a slippery slope, my instinct is to dive right in!
- She...
May 29 marked the attempt at a walk through Royalwood. There was a light mist of rain and everything appeared surreally green. Three of us went walking, laughing and giggling down the asphalt walk-way. This path was almost 1/2 on asphalt, and the second half was to be down dirth paths by the river. As much as I like established walk-ways, I was really looking foward to getting in the thick of the trees, and hearing the Seine River water as we passed by it.
Here's where the kicker is. After only 3 walks, I'm going to deviate from the plan as far as what I post. The plan (which will hereafter be in effect) is to have the blog as impersonally personal as possible. Today, however, I will break with that plan and post a picture of actual people.
This is what happened. About 10 steps after the asphalt path, we walked through a puddle. Actually, I walked through the puddle. :) After all, I was barefoot in birkenstocks, so I didn't have to worry about keeping my shoes/feet clean. On the 11th step, I went bum-bum over teakettle! The picture shows the results. It seemed such a good story to tell that I couldn't resist posting the picture!
At some point over the summer, I will take this walk again. The dirt-path part looks so pretty. I'll need to try better footwear next time.